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05.19.03 : 12:55 am

the following hysterical "facts" are provided to you courtesy of, i'm assuming, people who work for the russian mail order bride industry.

American women have attitudes. Russian Mail order brides are better.

*American women can have attitudes that are difficult to deal with.

*They are often demanding and hard to please.

*Russian women on the other hand are so unspoiled.

*Russian men are often abusive and disrespectful toward women. This is what Russian women are used to. Compared to that, the life you can give her will make her so happy and grateful. Russian women tend to be devoted adoring wives.

*Russian women see American men as kind, sensitive, respectful, understanding, compassionate and dependable. Many American women take these qualities in American men for granted. However, because of what Russian women are used to, they will never take these qualities for granted. These qualities make American men very appealing to Russian women.

*Russian women are rarely overweight. They seem more concerned with their appearance. Very attractive women are common in countries of the Former Soviet Union.

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