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05.22.03 : 1:33 am

i get a call on tuesday that asks me to come in for a second interview wednesday.

so off i go. and it's another group interview; five people vying for two positions. and one guy already works for the company and wants to transfer. and another person has years of banking experience. and everyone is bilingual.

and i guess none of that mattered. i was one of two selected for the positions open.

yeeeeeeessss!!! :oD

i'm so damn excited! they called me back this afternoon and told me i'd be starting june 9th. and here's the most awesome part ever - the place i'll be working is a brand new branch and i'll be there for the grand opening and ohmygosh how cool is that?!

eee! i'll be working downtown again! eee! *smiles*

so yeah, i'm pretty jazzed. it's good pay, fantastic hours (read: not too many!) and everything sounds awesome!

i'm sure there will be some ups and downs while i'm learning the ropes and all, but this is a job i plan on keeping for as long as possible. i've already met the manager (in fact he interviewed me!) and so at least i won't be surprised by some power-tripping freak like i have been in the past. *g*

anywho... not to be redundant or anything, but... i'm excited! :o)

any thoughts? (2)����������������