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09.29.02 : 12:39 am

my mom and i went out for lunch today. she told me she missed me as she shed a tear.

it's tragic, really. we live five minutes from each other and are lucky to see each other once a week.

we do a pretty good job of keeping in touch via phone. but it's not the same.

so we talked today about how it's too bad that i had to grow up and get a job and go to school and have a schedule.

because it was so much more fun when we could run off to the zoo or park on a whim, have breakfast at midnight, and sit together in the same room, quietly reading books and looking up every so often to share a smile, or a joke.

i haven't been able to enjoy an airing of jeopardy since i moved out. it's just not that same.

but today we went to lunch. even though i had a health test i needed to study for, and an english paper to write. and even though my mom had six hours worth of work to do herself. we dropped it all, and escaped for a couple hours and smiled and laughed and ate fish sandwiches.

and we came home and worked double-time to catch up, and keep things on track. but yunno what?

it was worth it.

any thoughts? (0)����������������