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04.12.03 : 11:23 pm

rob and i woke up late today. and by late i mean laaaaate. as in, we were supposed to be up at 7am and did not rise until 11:32. yikes. something went screwy with the alarm, and our roomies were sleeping in after a late night, so yunno, shit happens.

anywho. rob was supposed to be to work at 9:30, i was supposed to be in at 10. rob called to report his absence and was basically told okay no prob by a slightly bitchy human resources lady.

i called, and i was literally screamed at by one of the she-devil managers. (even though the new trainer was there and covered my class with no problem.) it basically came down to me saying, "look, i'm quitting soon. if you want, it can be today. if not. then i suggest you stop yelling at me right this second and collect your thoughts before saying anything else." of course, i was asked to stay until my original date of departure because they need me. they hate to admit it, but they need me. and i never act like an ass and shove that fact in their faces. but they treat me like shit anyway. bastards. i tried to tell them i didn't deliberately do this. but would they listen? no. i tried talking sense to them and tried to explain that i would never ever intentionally bail on my students. but sometimes life just gets in the way of plans, and hey, calling in sick or late is one of my least favorite things to do. but did they understand? no. it was just "don't quit today, we need you tomorrow and for the rest of your classes. you will be here tomorrow, right?" *sigh* it's like, hey jackholes - if i really wanted to fuck you over, not only would i have done so already, but it'd be a much bigger bomb than calling in late for one class.

whatever. sometimes i just want to not show up. no calls, no notice, nothing. but that would effect innocent people (my students) and so i can't bring myself to do it. i'm such a wimp.

but aaaaaaanywho. i had an awesome day. the work thing was a wee bit stressful, but i felt good about the way i handled it. and once that was taken care of, it was off to the gym. little did we know that it was the first day for charger girl tryouts.

i've never seen so many impossibly tanned, blonde, life-sized barbie dolls in one room ever. and i hope i never do again! *l* it was ridiculous! they were all in glittering bikini tops and bottoms and wearing soooooo much make-up and yuck.

(they were on the first floor in the basketball court section of the gym, and we had a birds eye view, as the treadmills and step machine on the second floor overlook that area. anyway...)

most of the girls were fantastically fit, but the overdone getups and make-up made many of them look rather ugly. rob and i couldn't believe it. i was kind of saddened by the fact that all these girls were more concerned with looks than talent/ability, but rob, who can be brutally honest at times, just came right out and said, "are they clowns or whores? i can't tell." ouch. but he had a point... it was like, okay i see your body, plenty of it thanks... but um, where's your face?

overall though, the event was more hysterical than tragic. the girls kept primping between mini-cheers and that was pretty entertaining. and the stares and looks they were shooting each other, goodness! if a girl did good, all the girls behind her looked murderous and sinister and you could tell they were talking shit. and it was funny as hell watching them screw up on cheers that they'd learned mere moments ago. i know, i'm going to go to hell for laughing at someone's attempt at reaching their dream. but it was just... a bit much. it was like watching a cheesy reality tv show. everything seemed so staged. reality tv is bad. it desensitizes you to all the things in life that are well, silly.

and man, i'm a little too feisty today for my own good. *raspberry*

so yeah... after the gym rob and i just came home and relaxed. the m's won their game which was awesome!!! and rob made the yummiest vegan potato salad in the world. you must come over and try some. really. and i promise, by the time you get here i'll have lost my evil edge and i'll just be nice, sweet jen. unless of course, you're in a snarky mood yourself... heh. that could be fun. *g*

any thoughts? (0)����������������