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04.10.03 : 5:11 pm

the school-related portion of my day could easily be compared to a very very bad dream in which everything that can go wrong, does.

stayed up till the wee hours last night cramming for the super huge (bigger than the final) anthro midterm. the result of this? rob and i woke up late.

so, we miss nutrition. no big loss there. off to anthro for the midterm. the midterm that is worth more points than the final exam. the midterm that determines half of our grade. the midterm that a good percentage of the class did not finish because of time constraints. the MIDTERM FROM HELL. the test itself wasn't too hard. but there was just so damn much of it! and it didn't help that our professor was babbling away with some little kiss ass during half of the test. um, hello? there are people trying to concentrate here. finally, someone hissed "sssshhhhh" and we all breathed a collective sigh of thanks. but then came the pressure. "ten minutes left before spring break." thanks for the reminder teach. i'm more concerned with the here and now. and so it went, every minute till the end. i think it's safe to say that the work i completed during the last ten minutes is crap. ah well. i did finish the damn thing though, so i gave myself a pat on the back for that. heh.

so yeah, as if that weren't enough to kill a day, rob and i decided to skip our next class and in place of it go to the computer lab and get our nutrition project done today, to avoid having to do it the day we return from spring break. good idea, in theory. but as luck would have it my computer was double printing everything (you get charged for each print) and rob's was refusing to print at all. and then there was the issue of trying to sort through the copious amounts of paper and figure out what was needed. oh, and then i had a wonderful woman spit over my shoulder that i "did it wrong" just because i politely declined her assistance. in fact, i did not do the assignment wrong, and at the urging of the guy behind the counter, i filed a harassment complaint against her. (it was much more than one comment; she started by asking if i needed help and when i told her no thanks she got all nasty. she even yelled at me! jesus.) so yeah, that was quite an ordeal.

and it made me late to my lit class. and that point, i was pretty frazzled so i just quietly turned in my paper, and rob and i left school early and came home.

since i've been home, things have been awesome. had a wonderful lunch, and rob is being mr. helper around the house, saving me from trying to tackle all of the chores on my own.

so yeah. spring break! woo! *smiles*

it will be a break from school (sort of, i have a lot of stuff i want to get ahead on)... but we have projects lined up. there's the front yard which is priority number one. we need to build a retaining wall, haul in some dirt, and throw seed down for grass. if time permits, the bathroom rob and i share will also get an overhaul... new shower, tile, flooring, paint, plumbing, the works. i jokingly refer to it as 'the outhouse' because of it's small size, but it's seriously starting to look like one, and we have the tools to remedy that so we need to. and yeah. whew. hopefully we do have the time to get to that. and i'd like to do a little more work in the garage too.

... i'm amazed at how my mind works. two extra days off, and i start going crazy with all the stuff there is to do. well, at least i'm not acting like we're going to get the backyard done too. that'd be a bit much.

there's enough to do as is. and that doesn't include all the small stuff like laundry and dishes and dusting. which i'm going to go do now while the sun is still shining, and before the m's game comes on.

i like this whole 'no school/no homework for a week' thing. ;o)

any thoughts? (0)����������������