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02.13.03 : 6:11 pm

this februarium entry calls for some risque information that most of you could probably do without knowing. where you've loved. also known as ``where you've gotten your groove on.`` i'm usually not one to divulge such details of my love life... but for the sake of februarium, i will. *g* (i'm going to keep it short though, as i'm still not ready to recount my tales in story form! *blush*)

i would consider my lovemaking locations extremely mild by many standards, as i certainly know folks that have been a lot freakier than i. but, i have ventured out of the bedroom on more than one occasion...

my gettin' busy at the beach count goes far beyond what i can remember. all acts were done under the blanket of the night, and often times, sand dunes. ... one time in the pacific, and once in a parked car.

once in a moving car.

once in a park.

a time or two in a pool, and least i forget the jacuzzi experience. (and hey, they weren't public swimming areas, so don't give me that look. i'm not that naughty.)

there's been a hotel room (balcony) here and there.

and last but not least, one time in a movie theater. we were the only occupants, so we had to make good use of that rarity. *wink*

and uh, yeah. that's what i call too much info. *raspberry* ... in stark contrast to tomorrow's entry, which is sure to be sweet and oh so sappy! *g*

any thoughts? (0)����������������