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12.16.02 : 7:41 pm

it's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring...

okay, well, no, not really. it is pouring down rain, but no one is snoring. rob is at work, ty is out somewhere being a ladies man, i confined josh to the front living room, and the dogs are here with me in the back living room, where i'm supposed to be writing my english papers.

but since i'm avoiding that task at the moment, let's chit chat, shall we?

in the it's raining it's pouring song, do you think the lyrics suggest that the old man died? or better yet, that he's a drunk? the corrupted version i'm most familiar with is ``he bumped his head, fell out of bed, and didn't wake up in the morning.`` i've also heard it ``didn't wake up till morning,`` or ``couldn't get up in the morning`` and other slight variations. ... yep, sounds like a drunk to me. *l*

aaaaaanyway. i know i mentioned it yesterday, but naked food-juice is SO YUMMY! it truly is. i went out and bought one of every flavor available to me, and of the six i've tried so far, i love them all! i'm a little anxious to try ``the green machine`` flavor (with spinach! ah!), but i think it has potential. *smiles*

and yeah. la la la. i think i might read a chapter or so from my book if this doesn't cure my writers block.

you see, i'm not a total slacker; the first of my two english papers is half-written. it's just... the topic is so dull (not my choice), and when i get bored writing something, i find it very difficult to continue. so, i do what i'm doing now - which is something else - in an effort to get the creative juices flowing again and hopefully work up enough inspriation to complete the paper.

my second paper i just plan to bullshit my way through. that's what i did last time, and i was the only one in the class who got an a, so i figure tahellwithit. the class is a joke.

~only three more days of school jen. only three more days. you can do it.~

and with that as my motivation, i'm off!

any thoughts? (0)����������������