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09.22.02 : 9:39 pm

is it weeks end already? oh, my. how time flies.


i simply haven't had any free time lately. but i'm not complaining because i've been making money, learning, and having a damn good time while i'm at it. *smiles*

work is still wonderful and fabulous and yay! i've aced two tests at this point and i have another one coming up soon that i feel pretty confident about. training at home with madison is also going great - she's such a fast learner it boggles my mind!

maddie, rob, and i went for a walk this evening and it was So Much Fun. i even jogged a bit - willingly! wonders never cease. *g*

so yeah, home life is good. the dogs are great, rob and i are great. we cleaned out the garage saturday... something that needed to be done months ago. but now it's great because we can walk through it. what's more, i can park my car inside! woo! we're really proud of ourselves. and rob put in a final piece of trim today which brings the dining room and back living room together and - wow. i totally think our house should be featured in one of those snooty home decor magazines. it looks that good. i kid you not.

but aaaaanyway. school is going nicely too. have i mentioned i hate biology? i do. more than you can imagine.

why waste my time telling you about that tho, when i can instead tell you how incredibly stupid and overly dramatic my roommate is! *l* ever since his on-again-off-again girlfriend broke up with him for the third time last week, he's been a wreck. shuffling around the house all mopey and humdrum. mumbling instead of talking, and looking like he'd jump off the coronado bay bridge, save for the fact that he still thinks there's a chance of getting back with her. (fool that he is.) anyway. with the bout of depression has come moodiness. now, rob and i have tried our very best to be understanding, sympathetic roommates. but when one shirks their responsibilities consistently, it gets old no matter what the reason. for example, the other day i asked him if he could pretty please start putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher again, since there's no reason whatsoever to put (and leave) them in the sink. instead of a ``sure thing, jen, not a problem`` i get ten minutes of whining about how he has a lot on his mind and how horrible his life is. well boo hoo to you mister, but get over it already. i mean, shit people, he barely knew this girl, she lives two hours away, her family hates him (one of her brothers is the roomies former best friend - former since the roomie started dating her), and to top it all off, she's told him repeatedly that she doesn't dig him. oh, and have i mentioned that they're both so faithful and committed that they've screwed other people during their ``relationship``? problems, much? but moving along.

around here we have set laundry days... because the roomie is a retard and can't grasp the concept of mutual respect and sharing time, etc etc. so for the last few weeks he's been doing his laundry on MY laundry days. this is a huge problem. why is this a problem? because he throws everything in the dryer on high - effectively managing to shrink three of my t-shirts and five of my sweaters (at different times, mind you), and without reimbursing me for them. so yeah, i have the right to get upset when he's out there on my laundry day doing loads.

i asked him if he needed to switch laundry days. i got told no. and yet he's still not keeping with the schedule. so today while i'm at work he goes whining to rob about how he can't wash his clothes (my days are thursday, friday, and sunday, his (by his own choice) is wednesday)... and rob tells him to wait till i get home. the roomie then whines about how he can't wait, and how life sucks, and blah blah blah.... and then his whining turned to bitchiness. and let me tell you something... rob is NOT the guy to be bitchy with. ooooh no. especially when it concerns someone he cares about. so bill starts getting snappy in a ``jen sucks for having laundry in there (nevermind the fact that it's my day!)`` way, and before long rob is up in his face with a, ``well if you weren't such a stupid fuck, we wouldn't be having this problem. you're the whiny little bitch who made laundry days necessary because of your incompetence, so grow up already. if you can't wait, there's a laundry mat down the street, here's a buck, knock yourself out.``

i fuckin' LOVE my boyfriend. *smiles* the roomie has been a total pain in the ass since the slut broke up with him. that gives him no right to take it out on rob and i tho. we weren't the ones who left his ass.

so yeah. i'm all happy because when rob gets serious about something involving yours truly, it excites me in that ``ooooh, my boyfriend is such a force to be reckoned with!`` way.

god. i can be such a highschooler at times. *l*

sooooooooooooooo. that's what's been happening with my life.

... aren't you glad you didn't hold your breath? *g*

any thoughts? (0)����������������