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09.23.02 : 10:39 pm

attention world!

i have the most exciting news!!






here goes...

my boyfriend, otherwise known as rob, my sweetie, and sometimes even lover boy... is now...

an EMT!!!

official and all, baby! he got the results back from the national registry test he took last month, and he passed! WOO!! let's hear it for the boy, yeah yeah.

as if the class he took and passed wasn't hard enough! wow. i can't get over how well he did on his test! there wasn't a doubt in my mind that'd he'd ace that mofo... but you simply can't beat the excitement of standing at the kitchen counter, ripping open an envelope and reading, ``Congratulations!``

i'm so happy for him. so proud!

now my sweetie is a certified saver-of-lives! we've already started joking about how i get to play a part in saving dogs' lives, and he'll get to help with saving the lives of people! too cool.

this is a really exciting time. i know in the months following, things will be crazy now and then. he's still got to take his ambulance drivers test, and decide on a company to work for. not to mention, we're both well aware of the insane hours and initial stress that will no doubt rear it's head before things fall into place.

but we're ready. bring it on!

any thoughts? (0)����������������