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02.18.04 : 11:41 pm

Went to the Weblogger Meetup tonight and met some cool new people. (Hi if you're reading this! *smiles*)

It was held at Bauhaus Coffee, which is undoubtedly one of the coolest coffee shops ever, if only for the fact that they serve Kool Aid! How much does that rock I ask you? A lot, is what I hope you'd say.

Alas, I did not order the Kool Aid because I noticed its presence on the menu a little too late. Oh well, there's always next time!

I spent the remainder of the evening finishing some errands and then downloading an obscene number of songs to put on my MP3 player. I was in need of some new tunes for my day out tomorrow.

Speaking of which, I'll be checking out the Woodland Zoo. I live all of two minutes away, how can I not? The thing is, I'm not a huge fan of zoos. The one exception is the San Diego Zoo, which I really like because I feel like they do an excellent job. Other zoos I've been to though, make me sad; I can't stand to see animals in tiny, plain cages. I'm not sure what the Woodland Zoo is like in this regard, but I guess I'll know after tomorrow. Hopefully they'll surprise rather than disappoint me.

any thoughts? (4)����������������