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03.16.03 : 11:03 pm

i've got mosquito bite on my shoulder and it itch-itch-itches! aaaaah. and to make matters worse, i can just barely reach the spot, so i can only do these half-assed scratches and have to constantly bug rob to really get at it good. stupid evil mosquitos. they come with the rain and think they can just suck the blood of out anything. that freaks me out. mosquitos are... ick. the Evil One That Bit Me bit madison seconds before... so it's possible i have the teeny tiniest amount of maddie blood in me.

i don't know whether to go `ewwww!` or `awwww!` ... probably the former.

but aaaaanywho. aside from dealing with my twisted mosquito issues, i'm good. considerably less sore than i was yesterday, and that's always something to be thankful for. *smiles*

and wow... it just occurred to me that my sole purpose for deciding to write an entry was to bitch about mosquitos. since i've accomplished that, i think i'll go lay down now.

any thoughts? (0)����������������