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03.06.03 : 4:49 am

okay, so yeah, i lied about the whole posting-a-picture-of-my-new-sunglasses thing. but it was a white lie at best. i didn't mean to mislead. it just so happened that instead of taking a picture and spending countless hours on the 'net, i feel asleep on the couch, catching some much needed sleep.

shame on me. *g*

anyway, i will most likely do the picture thing tomorrow.

and i guess that's about it, really. i haven't been online for more than three hours combined over the last four days. yunno how that goes i'm sure. you just hit those phases where you could take or leave online... and then, after maybe a week tops, you go OHMYGODihavesomuchemailtocatchupon and whatwasithinkingabandoningtheinternetlikethat?! and so you go back to spending one too many hours checking e-mail and spontaneously surfin'. thus, the vicious cycle repeats.

aaaaanywho. i'm off to get some decent sleep in a proper bed now. till next time!

any thoughts? (0)����������������