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02.11.03 : 5:04 pm

in no particular order, i love -

spectacular sunsets.


fresh salad. photographing flowers. photographing everything else. rob.

books and reading and writing. walking in the woods. driving down unnamed dirt roads. seeing someone smile. my mom.

fruits. vegatables. stuffed animals. real animals. smoothies. sarcastic wit.

beaches. lakes, rivers, streams. driving west in the desert as the sun rises. las vegas.

rain. rainbows. snow. snow angels. snow balls. snowmen. riding horses.

clouds shaped like bunnies. candles. martial arts. funny bumper stickers.

the redwoods. warm clothes pulled from the dryer. bamboo plants. happiness.

learning. experiencing. doing. being.

i love all of those things, and a million other things as well.

... oh, and twins. *l*

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