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01.08.03 : 5:36 pm

i was restless. so i went driving.

first stop was the bank, where i closed my old account and opened a new one without picture id, just to see if it could be done. it took all of seven minutes.

then i went to the market and bought fresh fruit of all varieties. and noodles, too. that took a bit longer.

at the market i was thanked by the cashier for ``being so patient,`` and for being ``the friendliest person`` she'd encountered all day. that felt nice.

after picking up the yummies, i went to visit with my mom. we talked about this, that, and the other and i helped her with her computer a bit.

then i came home and drank orange shakes with a freshly showered rob, and saw him off to work.

the doggies got fed, and i got online.

i plan to do some dusting next. and then some reading.

tonight i'm making manicotti for dinner.

any thoughts? (0)����������������