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12.30.02 : 7:54 pm

i have fifty bucks in pesos on my desk, and it's been there for more than two months.

i'm thinking of putting it in a jar, and making a cute little sign for the jar that will read, ``money for mexico`` and saving it until the next time i travel south of the border.

this would probably be a silly and pointless activity, except the jar is going to be cute, making the activity plain ole silly. *g*

so i'm sitting back here enjoying quiet solitude when in comes roomie josh. he insists on playing my guitar after turning on the tv. he always does this guitar-tv combo thing. i think it's kind of rude, but that's not really my point. the thing that gets me is, it sounds terrible! i'm not sure if it's the king-of-the-hill-wanna-be-rock-star combo, or just that he sucks. it's hard to tell. but either way, what a headache. if i were to turn off the tv (because really, the two sounds are just horrible), would that be considered rude, or reasonable? i need feedback.

i'm going to go escape to my room now. i've got a good book calling my name. ... i'm surprised i could hear it over all this racket. *l*

any thoughts? (0)����������������