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12.19.02 : 6:53 pm

it's winter break! wooooooooooooooohooooooooo! :oD

i aced my health, english, and poli sci finals today! oh yeah! so i guess that makes up for failing bio. *g* in any case, i'm damn happy about it!

and now i can once again enjoy life. i can take pictures, and write stories, and go on road trips, and watch movies, and veg out in front of the tv, and read fun books, and just have a nice time. yah! *smiles*

i'm starting tonight. first by reading a little bit. then i'm going to follow that with some tv time. and then it's off to the movies to watch the twin towers!

it's aaaaaaaall goooood. ;o)

any thoughts? (2)����������������