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11.30.02 : 8:39 pm

my mom went and gave blood today just so i could get extra credit points in one of my classes. she's such a sweetheart. i love my mom. *smiles*

and speaking of classes and whatnot - i have to decide what class i want to take next semester within the next two weeks. i feel like it's this great big huge ball of pressure, even though i know it's really not that big of a deal.

but anyway. i think i'm only going to be taking one class with rob. blah. it's gunna suck not having class with him, as two heads are better than one and all that. but, such is life and the reality of different majors. *g*

and oh, i just reminded myself with all of this babble that i need to study for the math assessment test! *beginfreakout* math is evil. aaaaaaaah. how suckie. i'm probably going to place in the lowest math possible and be stuck taking it for five semesters or something. i won't make it to state until i'm thirty. ugh. i need to study. but i'm such a math idiot. and as if that weren't bad enough in itself, my mom is an accountant for pete's sake. i should have math in my blood. or perhaps not, since mommie was originally an english major. *l* oh man, i'm so screwed. *endfreakout*

i'll just study. and then i'll be okay. yeah (right).


i feel way too nerdy when i go to write here and all that i can think about is school. school or work, school or work. bah.

i'm going now. *raspberry*

[p.s. tomorrow marks the first day of december and i'm really excited about that for some reason. my mind is silently singing ``december is here, december is here, yaaaaay!`` and i can't help but laugh to myself. ... perhaps i've just gone mad.]

any thoughts? (1)����������������