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09.13.02 : 11:22 pm

friday the 13th! woo!

this has always been a pretty lucky day for me, and today was no different.

last night when i went to bed i was sick. with a capital s-i-c-k. and it sucked. with a capital s-u-c-k-e-d. but this morning when i woke up? aaaaaaall better!! (well, not entirely, as my throat is still allowing only soft foods to pass through without screaming in pain...) but still. much better than yesterday when i couldn't eat anything at all.

so yay for that! *smiles*

and the luck didn't leave me there. this morning i was feeling a bit tired because of my yucky-feeling day yesterday, and i had eight hours of work ahead of me. being the responsible chica that i am, i went into work with a smile, and wow, how that paid off! my `boss` says to me, ``jen, you trooper you, pansy-ass darren called in sick today. so what do you say you get paid for eight hours and all we have to do is sit here and chat about whatever? munch on goodies and maybe go by starbucks?``

okay, so she didn't say it exactly like that. *g* but that's what happened! it was so relaxing and nice. i found out all sorts of wonderful stuff about my `boss` and i got paid to play with doggies. nothing new there, but still, ya' gotta love that. oh, and i got to leave early (with pay) too!

then i come home and find that rob had successfully managed to feed and care for seven dogs... and still was able keep the house all pretty and sparkly from our cleaning frenzy thursday! simply awesome! *smiles*

oh, another cool thing - today was pay day! as luck would have it, i got paid enough to cover my bills, plus a lil extra! yay!

and one last `lucky` thing - i found three pennies, all in different places, heads up. too cool.

so yeah. all in all, things are spiffy.

our doggie visitor, ``charlie``, is doing really good. i found out that he likes cheese. wait no... the little guy loves cheese. so we've been giving him cheesy goodness to keep his mind off of the stress of being away from his home. i hope we find his mommy and daddy soon! but at least in the meantime he isn't alone, hungry, and lost in a big bad world that isn't cut out to cater to sweet, small lil doggies.

in other dog news, buster and madison are the best of friends now. and watching them play is nothing short of hysterical. *l* a great dane and chihuahua! come on, you know you wanna laugh! *g*

school is good, too.

and shoot, i think i'm all out of stuff to say. here i am, finally with some time on my hands, and nothing but empty space in my brain. go figure. *g*

any thoughts? (0)����������������