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08.30.02 : 8:13 pm

so at eight-thirty this morning i call the vet. i'm told madison is doing alright. i'm told to call back at four.

at two-forty when the phone rings, i see the vets number on the caller id and start to panic. i think to myself, ``ohmygod ohmygod, what's wrong? please let this be a good thing. why are they calling me all of a sudden? has she taken a turn for the worse? they said she might be worse today... what's happened?!``

i calm myself and pick up the phone.

``madison's mommy, i have good news for you!`` says the chipper voice of the wonderful and magnificent dr. serdy.

you can't imagine how relieved i was. deep breaths sometimes do work.


dr. serdy called because she wanted to let us know that madison wasn't just doing alright (as reported this morning), but that she was now doing pretty good. not great, yet, mind you. but i'll take pretty good over alright any day! *smiles*

the next steps are to see if she can hold down water, and then food. they're going to try giving her water first thing tomorrow morning, and if she holds that down like they think she will, they're going to see how she handles food.

once she's able to hold down both, she'll be cleared to come home. so that means we may just get to hold our baby again by tomorrow!!

one can hope.

and we're excited, because it looks good. dr. serdy said she's really impressed that madison is so strong through all of this. especially since our little girl only weighs sixty pounds when she should weigh closer to seventy or seventy-five. (and this is at 16 weeks old, so i guess saying `little girl` isn't entirely accurate! *g*)

so, her chances for being home by tomorrow are 50-50, but by sunday dr. serdy says she has no doubt that maddie will be reunited with us.

what a difference a day makes. *smiles*

any thoughts? (0)����������������