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08.21.02 : 10:17 pm

so today wasn't quite as draining as i thought it would be. good stuff. *smiles*

so hey, have i mentioned that the other girl who got hired at the same time as me to also be a dog trainer is named jennifer? go figure. but, her name is spelt with a `g` instead of a `j`, so i guess it's not exactly correct when i say her name is jennifer. because her name is gennifer. with a `g`. but it sounds the same. and yeah. we both have long semi-wavy brownish red hair, too. the only thing that really helps in telling us apart it that i'm like, a head and a half taller than she is. but aaaaanyway.

i get along super fabulously with her! *smiles* it's going to be a blast working with her, and the lead trainer lady, lori. yay! *more smiles*

in other, surely exciting work-related news, i now know the people to avoid. everyone warned be about two old ladies being bitchy, but i'm a good girl and judge people on my own. that whole give everyone a fair chance thang. yeah, well. turns out everyone was right - they're complete bossy bitches.

buuuuuuuuuut, the up side is, i will maybe have to work with them 10% of the time. hardly ever. once a week, tops. probably more like once a month.

so in essence, problem solved before it ever started. woo!

my job is so fucking fantastic. i already have had a request to train this lady and her crazy dog one-on-one. and lori is giving me the go-ahead!! ahhhhh!! i'm sure you don't realize how exciting that is... but it's the equivalent of being promoted to manager your first day on the job. *g* so, every tuesday i get to train sammy the very vocal pit/bull terrier mutt. and i couldn't be more excited!! *smiles*

but okay, i realize i can only babble so much about work before driving people insane. so. bill is being a super awesome absolutely wonderful roommate and i love coming home and life is good. and rob has his emt test friday and we're really excited about it, and he and i are happy as can be. and my bubbies are wonderful as always. and my friend dwan came to visit from colorado and i didn't get to write much about her yet, but i probably will sometime this weekend or something because she's a character and i have funny stories about the time she spent here. a sample: ``i didn't mean to stand naked outside of your bedroom door, i just didn't want you to leave yet.``

good times, baby. ha. and i think i need to go now because i need to go make some flyers for a class gennifer and i will be teaching a weekend or so from now. yeah yeah, okay, fine. i can't avoid work-talk. so sue me. it's new and exciting and fun for me, so of course it's on my mind. i can't help it. ... my life is at 100%.

any thoughts? (0)����������������