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08.14.02 : 11:57 am

i'm so tired.

i feel like it's two in the morning and like i haven't slept for three days.

this is probably due to the fact that i only got three and a half hours of sweet, blissful sleep.

i want to cry.

it's not that i hate having to be up early, and yes by early i mean anytime before noon. i love the mornings... the way the smell of a toasting bagel wafts through the house, eliciting a soft grumble of hunger from all of those who catch a wiff. the way everything is so quiet in the midst of so much activity. the way dew-covered lawns sparkle in the early sun. and most of all, the way a splash of cold water on your face first thing after you wake can make you feel refreshed and ready for a new day.

i'm serious. i love the morning for all of the reasons, and so many more. i just don't dig getting up at the crack ass of dawn on less than four hours of sleep, ya' feel me? so yeah. today i'll say it: i'm not feeling very much like a morning person. *grumble grumble*

i guess it's a good thing that's it's now just past noon. *smiles*

and looking past my headache to the bright side, the day has barely begun, and i've got more than half of the items on my to do list crossed of. ... not bad, not bad at all.

any thoughts? (0)����������������